Children, Parenting Lulu Luckock, Social & Emotional Learning Consultant Children, Parenting Lulu Luckock, Social & Emotional Learning Consultant

16 ways to help your children establish good habits that will help strengthen their mental health and well-being as they grow up.

Social & Emotional Learning Consultant at The Soke, Lulu Luckock, on the value of creating healthy habits with your child that will lay down healthy foundations, to grow & support your child's emotional health and wellbeing.

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Depression Dana Moinian, Psychotherapist Depression Dana Moinian, Psychotherapist

Public Persona v Private Life: Contradictions & Perceptions

It all started last week. The article in the Sun newspaper alleging that a well-known TV presenter had been paying £35,000 in exchange for “sexual photos”. This story catapulted into a national debate about who the personality was. We all played a guessing game within our homes and friendship circles as to who it was, and eventually many presenters felt the need to publicly deny it was them, which in turn only added to more debate and intrigue surrounding a story that to its core remains painful and lifechanging for many of those involved. Fingers where pointed and opinions were at times harsh as the consensus seemed to be that yet again there has been an abuse of power by an overpaid and entitled TV presenter. The young person involved was 17 when the contact began, and their parents stated that they have a crack cocaine addiction that was being fed by the payments. The allegations grew as more young people came forward which only added to the drama and public debate, whilst at the same time, presumably, tightening the noose around the presenter’s neck who stood central to the news story.

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Anxiety Alejandra Sarmiento, Pscyhotherapist at The Soke Anxiety Alejandra Sarmiento, Pscyhotherapist at The Soke

Performance Anxiety

Looking at Performance Anxiety ahead of the Euro 2020 finals

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