Dr Marielle Quint, Chartered Clinical Psychologist at The Soke Dr Marielle Quint, Chartered Clinical Psychologist at The Soke

Certain Uncertainty: Uncovering Endometriosis

Shockingly, it can take an average of 8 years to diagnose endometriosis, which means many, many more years for many more women. ‘Living’ with endometriosis can be utter agony. Symptoms vary enormously hence difficulties in diagnosis, but what stands out is the pain and suffering endured - bodily, emotionally and psychologically. Many associate endometriosis with painful periods, however this is the tip of the iceberg and this association by many, does a dis-service to people who experience endometriosis on a daily basis. Why is endometriosis still a misunderstood and under-researched condition?

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What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

If you are feeling overwhelmed, worrying excessively and experiencing intrusive thoughts, you may be struggling with Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD). A complex mental health condition, which varies from individual to individual, GAD can significantly impact quality of life if excessive feelings of worry, fear and tension, persisting for prolonged periods, disrupt everyday activities.

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