Family Lulu Luckock, Social & Emotional Learning Consultant Family Lulu Luckock, Social & Emotional Learning Consultant

Parent Coaching (Part 2): Types of parenting styles

The Soke’s blog series written by Parenting Coach, Lulu Luckock, provide expert advice on ‘Growing Happy Strong Families’. Part 2 of the series is titled: What sort of a parent are you and how do you parent?

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Adults Dana Moinian, Psychotherapist Adults Dana Moinian, Psychotherapist

Men’s Mental Health & Mindfulness

Men’s Mental Health & Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice which allows us to switch off from everyday pressures and focus on the present moment (here and now) as well as pay attention to our bodily sensations, such as breathing deeply and slowly and how this feels right now in an accepting manner

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